Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Tom Tancredo wants to Impose Jim Crow laws

Not only Tom Tancredo just called everyone that voted for Obama a whole bunch of illiterate illegal imigrants who can't spell or speak English... He went as far as proposing the restablisment of Jim Crow laws that were abundant around the time before the Civil Rights movement at the height of Racism and ignorance in our country.

I'm gonna say it because Maddow didn't mention this.. The majority of people who voted for Obama Were white.. in Tancredo's head the majority is a bunch of illegals and african americans.. but the truth is that Obama won thanks to white voters.

However, if we were to do a literacy test and a civics test.. the Bast majority of the right wing base would FAIL... The stupid Tea party is too freaking stupid to reallise that a literacy test would wipe half of their Base... but what do you expect.. the same base thinks that the solution to the economy crisis is simplified in 3 steps

tax cut for the wealthy
drill baby drill
and dress up like teabagger drag queens and run around with misspelled signs

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