Friday, February 19, 2010

Did your federal income tax rate go up this year?

Has anyone else noticed their Federal Income Tax rate increasing since the start of this year?

Only 12 % of people noticed that Obama lower the taxes for 95% of Americas last year. Instead of doing tax rebate like bush did. (to get re-elected) He lowered the amount that was taken Out of ur paycheck every time u got paid.

If you think your taxes are going up now.. is because they are going back to the way they were before..

I think is fuk up that tax breaks for us have expired but Bush's tax cuts for the wealthy are still in effect. They won't expire till this year.( GOP wants to extend it. of course) After costing tax payers like you and me 1 trillion dollars..

Morale of the story.. if you want to pay less taxes.. if you want tax breaks.. you need to become extremely wealthy and make sure the GOP or DEMs are in charge. No way around it

1 comment:

  1. Actually, the laws of the physical universe would not allow Mr. Obama to give 95% of Americans a tax cut. The US Bureau of Labor Statistics will provide you all the information necessary for you to correct yourself:
