Sunday, February 28, 2010

'Family Guy' Actress Responds To Sarah Palin's Criticism

My name is Andrea Fay Friedman. I was born with Down syndrome. I played the role of Ellen on the "Extra Large Medium" episode of Family Guy that was broadcast on Valentine's day. Although they gave me red hair on the show, I am really a blonde. I also wore a red wig for my role in " Smudge" but I was a blonde in "Life Goes On". I guess former Governor Palin does not have a sense of humor. I thought the line "I am the daughter of the former governor of Alaska" was very funny. I think the word is "sarcasm".

In my family we think laughing is good. My parents raised me to have a sense of humor and to live a normal life. My mother did not carry me around under her arm like a loaf of French bread the way former Governor Palin carries her son Trig around looking for sympathy and votes.

here is a very well worded response to Billo the clown by one of my friends..

Sent our guy, Bill O' an email on this one, bro...thought you might like's also a lesson in satire, but most will miss that.

Papa Bear-

You're on the wrong side of this "Family Guy" issue...Sarah excused Rush for using the word "retarded" because it was "satire". Well, according to the young woman who voiced the character for the long-running Fox Network program--Her name is Andrea Fay Friedman.-- "I think the word is 'sarcasm'". Sarcasm is the cousin of satire, and it would appear, this "challenged" (her word) young lady is far more understanding of comedy, and capable of handling herself than you, Sarah, and those of your ilk would give her credit for, and that is where the true travesty lies. Shame on you both!... See More

Your staff should have done some homework before they let you pick up this one, Papa Bear...One moment on the interweb's would have told your hack staffers/researchers that this woman was mentally challenged. A couple of minutes of research into her family and personal history would have told you that she is more capable of speaking for herself and members of her community than either Sarah or you. You guys insult her and her peers by rushing to defend a group that has not asked for your help. You don't walk up to a person in a wheelchair and just start pushing them. I find the fact that Ms. Palin totes her child around in public without shoes or pants on to be a larger insult to that child than anything Seth McFarlane wrote. Again, quick research revealed that out of 40 public images of Ms. Palin in public with her baby prop, her child had shoes on in 3 of those images. In over half of the images he was pants-less. Which is the greater insult to an individual's self-respect, being asked to play a mentally challenged person as a mentally challenged actress, or, in the words of Ms. Friedman, being toted around "like a loaf of French bread"? Do you think Trig's first words will be, "Puts some pants and shoes on me Mommy!"? Time for another tirade to the staff, big guy. They're not doing their homework, and it's making you look bad.


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