Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Obama initiative for Healthier lunch options in school lunches

I found this post on Facebook and i wrote a little response that i think people who follow me should read in case you get one of this one liner talking points..

Obama just signed 10 billion dollars, yes 10 billion dollars to fight child obesity (to change schools lunch menus) seriously?! TIP- GO OUTSIDE AND PLAY AND "PLAYING" VIDEO GAMES DOESNT COUNT! BONUS TIP FROM ME- NO MCDONALDS! Anyone see a problem with 10 billion dollars on this cause?! Oh my people......


You guys are not thinking the big picture..

This one liner talking points you get from tv is whats wrong with America
However, what you guys fail to notice that it might be the parents fault that their kids eat junk food at home.. But who controls what they eat at school?..

you can pack a lunch for your kids.. you might have the time and the money to do it.. but what about the parents who can't afford this? kids who get most of their nutrition because of government subsidized meal plans? what about the parents who work 2 or 3 jobs to even get by? screw them? perfect example of i got mine so screw you

Why are my tax dollars going to feed kids unhealthy frozen and fat pack food?..
The question you should be asking.. why is the system set up to feed junk food to kids.. I tell you why.. because tax funded meals that you and me pay for are provided by INDEPENDENT for profit companies who realized that frozen fat pack food is cheaper and easier to make than healthier alternatives..

The thing you have to remember that this might not affect you.. since you might be a responsible parent who has the time and the money to control what you kid eats.. but you are still paying for a broken system.. you pay it through your tax dollars..

since your are practically paying for it.. wouldn't make sense to invest in making it better? prevent child obesity that in the end will cost you too.. since obese low income almost always end up in medicaid? shit that you pay for with your tax dollars..
so ask your self.. are you gonna pay for a healthier kid... or a fat guy on medicare with a long term disease like diabetes?

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