Tuesday, September 29, 2009

How to Take Back America Conference in St Louis, Missouri 9/26/09 (call Obama a Muslim)


During the panel, Shoebat advocated entering Arab countries and converting Muslims to Christianity. He also went on a rant about how Muslims in meat packaging plants are contaminating America’s food supply because their hands are unclean.

Gaffney has a record of comparing Obama to Hitlera major theme of the conference — and spreading other absurd reasons for why he thinks Obama is Muslim. As Matt Duss has noted, although it may be difficult to take Gaffney as a serious analyst, his “transparently bigoted” attacks are given a platform on major media outlets. This reason alone is why Gaffney’s smears shouldn’t be ignored.

In the past week alone, Gaffney has appeared as a pundit on Fox News and MSNBC, has been featured in an article in NewsMax, and wrote an opinion column for the Washington Times.

Hey conservative morons! Listen up and pay attention!! You can't attack Obama for his "radical black pastor" and also call him a Muslim. Your psychotic bullshit contradicts itself.

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