Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Binder and Binder trying to pull their adds Fox won't let them

Mr. ------, my name is Dick Summer. I?m the guy responsible for Binder and Binder's commercials. I fully agree with you concerning Glen Beck's comments, and I have asked Fox News to remove our commercials from his program.

Here's our problem. Our commercial buy on Fox News is contracted under a system called ROS that's run of schedule. What that means is we buy a certain number of commercials, and the network schedules them where they see fit. The big buck guys can afford to buy specific shows. We can't.

So, Fox may or may not honor my request to remove our spots from any particular program. If they don't, I can of course, not renew at the end of our broadcast contract but not before. As with any contract, one party can't simply decide not to fulfill its obligations to the other.

Now here's as more important problem. Beck was a blip until all the attention his statements have brought him which has resulted in boosting his ratings a full 10%. That's huge. In the last couple of weeks, since this controversy he has gone from being an also ran to coronation as the new cable news king.?

So here's the bottom line: Fox has lost nothing, because the big buck sponsors who have enough money to buy time by the program as opposed to ROS have simply shifted their buys to other shows. So Fox loses no money now, and stands to gain tens of millions of new dollars because of the ratings increase and Beck the blip becomes Big Time Beck.

Beyond explaining the situation to you, there's not much else I can say, except believe it or not I'm glad you decided to write. As a former broadcaster I know that most people wouldn't bother, and that's an important reason why there is so much junk on the air.

Dick Summer, Communications Director, Binder and Binder.

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