Thursday, December 17, 2009

Most Creepy video .. Senators team up with Far Right Wing Nutjobs to pray and defeat Health Care Reform

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Jon Stewart Slams Ingraham For Comparing Health Care Reform To Holocaust (VIDEO)

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Highway to Health - Last Tea Party Protest of the Year
Daily Show
Full Episodes
Political HumorHealth Care Crisis

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Holly stupidity Batman.. The Teabaggers airing out their thoughts

Teabaggers at their best.. gotta love it

American Airlines Sucks and flies me in a broken plane but at least i didnt get a federal Warning for asking for OJ

Over The Weekend I had a horrible Experience with American Airlines.. On my connecting flight from Miami to Jamaica i was literally scared for my life.

The American Airlines flight power on the plane went totally off for about 1 minute.. not even the emergency lights were on right on the runway. Minutes about to fly the plane looses all of it's power is not a normal thing. So what does American Airlines do? turn the flight around... get it checked out? give us a different plane?

Nope the pilot comes on and says.. Well it looks like this is an older plane and stuff like this happens.. I was very scared.. what if this happens in the middle of the flight? the plane would go down like a stone. Before anyone can say anything the plane accelerates and takes off. After a tense 35 40 minutes.. i started to calm down.

The pilot once Again gets on the speaker phone.. Remember we are mid flight in the middle of the ocean. Then he says the worse thing you can hear in the middle of the ocean. "Looks like our plane is not good after all. we are having some issues with one of the doors and the landing gear. I dont feel safe taking the flight all the way to Jamaica. So we are turning around."

Half way to Jamaica the flight turns around and looks like my all inclusive Vacation in Sandals is gonna be delayed infinitely. All inclusive food and top shelve liquor waiting for us in Jamaica and now thanks to American Airlines We are stock in a "broken" plane.

Once back In Miami the plane drives around till they get the plane "Checked out". Pilot once again gets on the speaker and says looks like this plane is not good to fly. This is After we were halfway to Jamaica and in the middle of the ocean. Well great. we just get a different plane and we be there in no time right?

WRONG!!. We had to wait about 20 minutes waiting for a gate to open up... Ohh to put more insult to the injury the flight attendant says "We don't serve Food in the next flight so we suggest you get some food while you wait" Thanks asshole for the tip. I could of been eating file Mignon in Jamaica in a 5 star diamond restaurant but now i have to eat a 5 dollar hot dog.

Now they had to search for another plane and hopefully get us there in a reasonable time.. Hours later they find one. they put us in the plane, but they forget the luggage so we sit in the plane for another 25 minutes.. tired and totally pissed off at the delay they announce you get a free cocktail because the hours of delay.. Thanks asshole.. we will land in the dark and after dinner time.. I already paid for a full day for sandals and i will not be able to enjoy any of the stuff i paid for. Hundreds of dollars down the drain and you gonna give me a 2 dollar cocktail? thanks but no thanks. asshole

How about you abide to flight regulations and check your planes for malfunctions like you suppose to.. instead of finding out that the plane is broken half way trough an international flight. Delay my flight hours and hours and waste my hard earned money and delay my already paid for vacation!! Grab your 2 Dollar Cocktail American Airlines and Shove it up your ASS!!

This is my second time flying with American Airlines.. last time they lost my wife's luggage in Saint Lucia. This time you risk my life and put me in a broken Plane.. and you think the nightmare ends there? nope.. On our flight back home out of Miami.. on our last flight home.. We refused to check any bags because you lost our luggage once... So we only take Carry ons from now on.. So what do you do? You put an asshole who after 3 flights.. decides that my wife's luggage is now all of the sudden oversized. it wasn't oversized 3 flights ago.. but is now? how convenient.. he made her put it in the measure for carry on.. Which it fitted with no problems.. but he argues you had to force it in.. so u have to check it in.. Great

SO what happens. when we land? the luggage is delayed and extra 40 minutes..for some unknown reason.. so now our ride has to circle around over and over and over for 30 minutes.. thank you American Airlines for the horrible Experience

Looking back at least i didnt get a Federal Warning for asking for some OJ like this poor man did. This guy asked for some orange juice and the flight attendant flipped out on him.. she went as far as giving him a federal warning. Which could get him arrested. Luckily he had many witnesses to argue his side once the plane landed

here is my twitt updates of my horrible experience with American Airlines

  1. RightWingTurds Wow looks like i wasn't the only one who had a horrible experience with American Airlines i didnt get a federal warning 19 minutes ago from TweetDeck
  2. Rightwinglogo_normal RightWingTurds American airlines made me check in a bag because it's oversized it was oversized 3 flights in a row weird #Americanairlinessuck about 18 hours ago from TweetDeck
  3. Rightwinglogo_normal RightWingTurds Back in the USA but it looks like American airlines still sucks balls #AmericanAirlinesSuck about 18 hours ago from TweetDeck
  4. Current_dasani_normal Dasani_01 @RightWingTurds That is terrible. I hope they get you moving and heading to your destination sooner then later! 4 days ago from TweetDeck
  5. Rightwinglogo_normal RightWingTurds #Americanairlinessuck I guess been on board of a new plane doesn't mean we leaving soon. Waiting for the bags to get loaded 3 hour delay 4 days ago from TweetDeck
  6. Rightwinglogo_normal RightWingTurds I don't know what's worse that the plane was broken or that they flew a broken plane and we had to fly back midflight #Americanairlinessuck 4 days ago from TweetDeck
  7. Rightwinglogo_normal RightWingTurds RT @mklprc: . @RightWingTurds American Airlines is like American cheese. And for the same reason. / they stink? #Americanairlinessuck 4 days ago from TweetDeck
  8. Rightwinglogo_normal RightWingTurds Almost 2 hours later we are on the runway again. Let's hope this plane doesn't break too #Americanairlinessuckballs 4 days ago from TweetDeck
  9. Twitterprofilephoto_normal mklprc . @RightWingTurds American Airlines is like American cheese. And for the same reason. 4 days ago from Tweetie
  10. Rightwinglogo_normal RightWingTurds American Airlines says on the way out of the plane "plane doesn't serve food so we recomend u buy food while u wait" thanks 4 thetip asshole 4 days ago from TweetDeck
  11. Rightwinglogo_normal RightWingTurds Wow it's 2:57 we suppose to arrive in Jamaica at 2;45 and we are now in a different gate damn u #American airlines #Americanairlinessuck 4 days ago from TweetDeck
  12. Twitterprofilephoto_normal suzi527 @RightWingTurds SCARY!! Glad you are ok! Where ya going? Somewhere fun I hope? 4 days ago from web
  13. Rightwinglogo_normal RightWingTurds @suzi527 apparently I did fly in a broken plane the pilot turned the plane around midflight and flew back to Miami 4 days ago from Twitterrific
  14. Twitterprofilephoto_normal suzi527 @RightWingTurds Sorry for travel woes. I LOVE jetBlue! American, not so much. Bright side,least you didn't fly in a broken plane. Good Luck! 4 days ago from web
  15. Rightwinglogo_normal RightWingTurds Plane is not good to fly we have to get in a different plane. Fucking American Airlines that's why i only fly jet blue 4 days ago from TweetDeck
  16. Rightwinglogo_normal RightWingTurds #American airlines we are missing cocktails and food from sandals that we paid for are u gonna reimburse me while I sit in the runway? 4 days ago from TweetDeck
  17. Rightwinglogo_normal RightWingTurds #American airlines did I mention the plane's power went completly off on the runway and the pilot said it was because it's an ol plane 4 days ago from TweetDeck
  18. Rightwinglogo_normal RightWingTurds Just landed back in Miami say they gonna diagnose the plane to see if it is safe to fly again. It's 2:03 let's see howlong this shi ttakes 4 days ago from TweetDeck
  19. Rightwinglogo_normal RightWingTurds American Airlines 2 MontegoBay is turning around midflight technical difficulties pilot "doesn't feel comfortable taking plane 2 Jamaica 4 days ago from TweetDeck
  20. I_got_this_normal mfpdx @RightWingTurds Jealous :)! Have a great time! 4 days ago from web
  21. Rightwinglogo_normal RightWingTurds Later tweeps Im off to Jamaica see ya later 4 days ago from TweetDeck

Monday, November 9, 2009

Murdoch: Glenn Beck Was ‘Right’ To Say Obama Is ‘A Racist’ With ‘A Deep-Seated Hatred For White People’

SPEERS: The Glenn Beck, who you mentioned, has called Barack Obama a racist and he helped organize a protest against him. Others on Fox have likened him to Stalin. Is that defensible?

MURDOCH: No, no, no, not Stalin, I don’t think. I don’t know who that, not one of our people. On the racist thing, that caused a grilling. But he did make a very racist comment. Ahhh…about, you know, blacks and whites and so on, and which he said in his campaign he would be completely above. And um, that was something which perhaps shouldn’t have been said about the President, but if you actually assess what he was talking about, he was right.

i look forward to boycott everything Murdoch.. looks like Glenn Beck gets his talking points from this asshole

Armey’s View Of Americans With Pre-Existing Conditions: Someone Who ‘Eats Like A Pig’ And Has Diabetes

These commets are a spit on the face to everyone who has been kicked out of their insurance for pre existing conditions like domestic violence. birth defects, hereditary disceases etc etc..

this asshole is going to hell and will burn for all eternity.. i'm not even a very religios person.. but i really hope hell does exist for people like these

Saturday, November 7, 2009

GOP doesn't have any respect for Woman specially Cogress women

Damm i'm a man... my mother told me to respect women.. they are our equal. if my mother was in this meeting she would be hitting every asshole in this video over the head. You Respect a woman and you respect her even more when she is a congress woman..

damm this one really got me mad

Friday, October 30, 2009

NEW WE WON so now FUCK OFF sticker

i wanted to express how i feel about teabaggers, glenn beck, fox news and every other asshole who wants this administration and the country to FAIL.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

You have been Given the Turd Award

Some People go beyond being an Ass.. a Teabagger or a racist asshole.. for those we have created the Golden Turd Award.. Please add his Twitter name to the Comment Section and see if anyone else has nominated this Turd Before

Monday, October 19, 2009

Sunday, October 18, 2009

funny Glenn Beck Cartoon

this is so damm funny!!!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Nathan Deal GOP Asshole says "ghetto grandmothers" who don't have birth certificates to get healthcare

At a Saturday 10/3/09 breakfast of the Cherokee County GOP, U.S. Rep. Nathan Deal makes a reference to "ghetto grandmothers" who don't have birth certificates. FUCKING GOP ASSHOLE!!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Rep. Weiner Takes On Betsy McCaughey: You Would ‘Take Away 100% Of Medicare For People 65 To 70′

I watched the interview on The daily show and he couldn't deal with this crazy lunatic.. because she keeps calling people sexist.. she uses her being a female against journalist as a weapon. She gets her lies out in tv and when u don't let her she recourse to name calling.

Thank god this guy put her in her place.. we need journalist with more balls like this guy.. I'm sick of MSNBC and CNN letting them use their shows as propaganda outlets... if they want to lie and spill their ignorance.. they need to go to FOX and stay in FOX

I would love to see her being interviewed in Rachel Maddow.. but then again she prob will still use the female card too


Paul Broun Tells A Man With Major Depressive Disorder To Go To The Emergency Room

Monday, October 5, 2009

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Glenn Beck Tweets a very racist tweet but deletes it. Does anywebsite has back ups?

Screen shot taken Thursday, September 10, 2009 5:23 PM

I Followed Glenn Beck for a little while till i got sick of his tweets. However, in the time i followed him he started this whole Acorn Nonsense. So when i saw this tweet i thought this guy claims he is not racist? this is so full of racism is ridiculos..

i took a screenshot and forgot about it.. then today i saw it and decided to look at his tweets and see if he deleted it.. yupp.. that tweet is definitely gone.. so i'm posting for you guys to see in case you missed it

here is the deal.. is there anyway to back trace his tweets... i'm sure there are plety of tweets like this from him.. can anyone help me out and unearth the truth about this racist SOB

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Alan Grayson unveils republicans GOP healthcare plan "if you get sick die quickly"

i found a new HERO

and here is the apology the GOP demanded

please make a contribution here for Alan Grayson

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

How to Take Back America Conference in St Louis, Missouri 9/26/09 (BUY GUNS, amunition and prepare for bloddy blattle)

These RWNJ are taking the country back with a bloody battle? WOW GOP newest low? nope the day is not over yet

How to Take Back America Conference in St Louis, Missouri 9/26/09 (call Obama a Muslim)

During the panel, Shoebat advocated entering Arab countries and converting Muslims to Christianity. He also went on a rant about how Muslims in meat packaging plants are contaminating America’s food supply because their hands are unclean.

Gaffney has a record of comparing Obama to Hitlera major theme of the conference — and spreading other absurd reasons for why he thinks Obama is Muslim. As Matt Duss has noted, although it may be difficult to take Gaffney as a serious analyst, his “transparently bigoted” attacks are given a platform on major media outlets. This reason alone is why Gaffney’s smears shouldn’t be ignored.

In the past week alone, Gaffney has appeared as a pundit on Fox News and MSNBC, has been featured in an article in NewsMax, and wrote an opinion column for the Washington Times.

Hey conservative morons! Listen up and pay attention!! You can't attack Obama for his "radical black pastor" and also call him a Muslim. Your psychotic bullshit contradicts itself.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Wonder why anyone would kill a census worker and carved the word "FED" on his chest? Glenn Beck Michelle Bachmann

Glenn Beck and Michelle Bachmann are going after Acorn.. they already smeared Acorn.. now a census gets killed and the words get carved on his chest.... coincidence? i think not

Glenn Beck Video Compilation

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Glenn Beck's Operation
Daily Show
Full Episodes
Political HumorHealthcare Protests

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

DROP Dobbs

tell CNN to drop Lou Dobbs

I hate Scarborough but i'm gonna have to agree with him on this one

Sen. John Barrasso Compares Undocumented Emergency Care Patients To Shoplifters

GOP monkey joke about Obama's Whitehouse

I ain't black but this joke got me really angry

"...Something they didn't anticipate was monkeys came running out of the jungle and they grabbed the golf balls...," Blunt said, "and they might throw the golf ball back at you...So for this golf course, and this golf course and this golf course only, they passed a rule, and the rule was, you have to play the ball where the monkey throws it."

Cantor blackberry asshole tells woman Uninsured Woman: Get An "Option" Like Charity Or Govt Program

remember this asshole? well he pretty much telling her.. your friend is screwed.. if she qualifies she will have to wait and prob die for prolonging care.. and if she lives long enough just stick the bill to the taxpayer

if she doesn't qualify she is screwed..


Irony Is Dead: Fox News Exec Urges Staffers To Be "Fair" And "Impartial"

Monday, September 21, 2009

Sunday, September 20, 2009

You hate Obama.. I love Obama reason 1 million something

you can hate on Obama all you want but this is one of the reasons i love Obama..

I started this ROTH IRA right after Obama got elected.. Best thing i have ever done!!

Glenn is an Idiot GOP is is a bigger idiot!!

Glenn Beck is an Idiot... and what doe the GOP do when Brings Czars into the light..

Ridicule him? Tell him "You Lie"? turn their back on him?

nope they introduce legislature to "Add transparency in the Baucus bill for Czars!!!

what does health care have to do with Czars? dunno but i'm sure is some of Glenn's conspiracy theories.

Healthcare Roundup – various articles and videos

This a hole GOP thinks 14,000 people loose their jobs and their health care every month!!! i don't !!!

Tebaggers tell Bohener YOU LIE!!

truth will set you free Bohener.. keep it up!!

Teabaggers 9/12 march

Thursday, September 17, 2009

The Queen of crazy..

Who is running against this numnuts? lets help him or her win.. let's stop her from making America look like a bunch of crazy teabaggers

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Is it me or Fox News is full of deathers?

I didn't see Geraldo.. maybe he is the only sane one here

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Teabagger going nuts on CNN!! what did you expect?

k we know that these rightwing superturds are one of the dumbest, racist, and uneducated people around. Specially after the 4 million number they are throwing around.. it seems like teabaggers don't know how to fucking count.

So When Anderson Cooper decides to interview one of their leaders and talk about the racist rheoteric behind this teabaggers protest. i was hoping for what happened next..

it was like watching a car race just hoping for the car to crash.. (same reason Glenn Beck still has viewers)

Comments included
"Indonesian Muslim turned welfare thug" "Obama is Racist in Chief"

So if this guy is defending teabaggers and arguing race isn't behind it... they have a huge image and leadership problem

Favorite video so far

I love the part with the grandma starts crying and when he tells them what Czars are and how they began during Reagan "you know this how?" LMAO


Monday, September 14, 2009

Acorn and some quick thoughts

Acorn help underprivileged families navigate the process of buying houses. help people register for voting who will never would of it wasn;t for them. i know because we did community service for them trying to register people to vote

One narcissist cult leader Glenn Beck exposes one dumb ass employee and we are ready to drop them? why isn't he jumping on backwater or predatory lenders? because he is a mofo racist that's why

1st they didn't do anything illegal or broke the law.. they advise or so they say in the could be altered video.. notice how they haven't been charged or being arrested? they are going after the guy who made the video... Read More

2nd Black water no XE conducts a arm dealing network and assassinates people in Iraq.. runs underage prostitution ring in Iraq and blatantly recruits people who want to murder Muslims.. what we do? we renew their contracts and continue funding them despite the fact that the owner is being prosecuted as we speak

Million Moron March numbers confirmed by CNN video

LOL these people are inflating numbers more than they are inflating the Insurance company's pockets

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Friday, September 11, 2009

Michigan Chamber Of Commerce Embraces Glenn Beck, Invites Him To Be A Keynote Speaker

I'm writing an angry email letter to all these people i hope you do too

here is a list of emails just copy and paste,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

On his Fox News show this past Wednesday, right-wing extremist Glenn Beck claimed, “The uber-left is in business with big business.” But next Tuesday, Beck is keynoting a U.S. Chamber of Commerce forum in Michigan sponsored by several major corporations, including AT&T, Comcast, and Dow Corning.

Although Beck’s race-baiting and McCarthyism have led a massive advertiser boycott of his Fox News program, the largest business lobby in the United States has chosen to embrace him as the “dinner keynote speaker” for the 2009 “Future Forum” at Michigan State University’s Kellog Forum on September 15th:

Glenn Beck, Keynote Speaker for Michigan Chamber of Commerce, Comcast, AT&T, Consumers Energy sponsoring

Beck has called President Obama a “socialist,” a “Marxist,” and a “racist” with a “deep-seated hatred of white people.” It may not come as a surprise that the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, with its right-wing agenda of blocking health care reform, clean energy legislation, and workers’ rights, is embracing Glenn Beck’s hate and fearmongering.

Tomorrow, Beck is broadcasting live on Fox News from Washington D.C. to promote the “9/12 Project,” Beck’s tearful mobilization against “socialism.” The 9/12 march is bankrolled by right wing organizations such as the Competitive Enterprise Institute, FreedomWorks, the National Taxpayers Union, and These front groups are themselves backed by ExxonMobil, Koch Industries, HealthFirst, and other corporate titans who aim to maintain their windfall profits under the status quo.

The top sponsors of the Michigan event are Comcast, AT&T, and Consumers Energy. AT&T is on the board of the Chamber of Commerce but has pulled its ads from Glenn Beck’s show. Other Chamber members who have stopped advertising on Beck — but are giving him a platform in Michigan — include Aegon, CVS, State Farm Insurance, and UPS.

Here is a list of phone numbers and email addresses

AT&T Corporate Governance: Code of Ethics Contact is AT&T's Asset Protection Line at 1-800-807-4205 (more on this below)

Corporate Media Contacts who handle "Corporate Issues".They will want to hear from you. :

Corporate Issues
Larry Solomon

Michael Coe

Financial Issues
Anne Vincent

Federal Regulatory/Legislative
Mike Balmoris

Corporate Citizenship <---- that ought to be good Karen Oddy James E-Mail:

National Broadcast Media
Larry Meyer


Cingular Wireless
Mark Siegel

Sue McCain

Tiffany Nels

Business Enterprise
Patricia Stortz

Janet Wyles

Small and Mid-Size
Jason Hillery

Dru Cessac
Phone: (210) 351-2058

Elva Gonzalez
Phone: (210) 351-2052

Institutional Investors: Institutional investors may contact one of the managers listed below

Investor Relations hot line:
(210) 351-3327

Rich Dietz
Phone: (210) 351-2100

Brian Anderson
Phone: (210) 351-2047

Jeff Fancher
Phone: (908) 532-1668

Jerry Healy
Phone: (210) 351-2042

Jerrell Ross
Phone: (210) 351-2571

Blake Steward
Phone: (210) 351-2038

VIDEO: The Real Liars

In an interview with Red County, Rep. Joe Wilson (R-SC) explained that his screed against the President from the back-benches of the congressional gallery was inspired by angry town halls across the country. “I was energized by the town hall meetings,” he said. After initially apologizing to the White House, Wilson said he “will not be muzzled.” If Wilson wants to keep up his heckling, ThinkProgress has some ideas for whom he should be directing his anger towards. Watch our video compilation, produced by Victor Zapanta:

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Health Insurance Prostitutes in congress and in the senate

Yeah i said it.. lobbyist and insurance pay for favors.. these guys gladly bend over and take it.. and pass it down to the people.. They are the prostitutes.. we are their bitches

Max Baucus D-MT
Health and insurance cash 2003 - 2008: $3.75 million
Chuck Grassley R-Iowa
Health and insurance cash 2003 to 2008: $2.64 million
Ben Nelson D-Neb.
Health and insurance cash from 2003 to 2008: $1.64 million
Kent Conrad D-ND
Health and insurance cash 2003 to 2008: $1.44 million
Blanche Lincoln D-Ark.
Health and insurance cash from 2003 to 2008: $1.18 million
Mike Enzi R-Wyo.
Health and insurance cash 2003 - 2008: $.9 million
Mary Landrieu D-La.
Health and insurance cash 2003 - 2008: $ .83 million
Olympia Snowe R-Maine
Health and insurance cash 2003 - 2008: $ .55 million

Lou Dobbs needs to get out of CNN and go to Fox aka the Looney Bin

Republican "family values" Duvall is vice chairman of the Utilities and Commerce Committee. likes kinky sex with lobbyist

You suppose to disclose donations made for your campaign by any lobbyist.
I wonder if he has to disclose when a lobbyist gets you some.. if not is sad if we have to past a law that you have to disclose sexual favors!!

for an old man like him.. that piece of booty would of cost him a good amount.. failure to disclose donations charges anyone?

I guess lobbyist are the new prostitutes of corporate america

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Obama's speech hidden message unveiled

millions of republicans played Obama's speech backwards today.. just to find out that the hidden message was

"if you are listening to this message... you are a fucking idiot"

Verizon Wireless To Sponsor Rally Of Global Warming Deniers

This week i'm glad to announce our 1st turd award recipient who happens to be a company.

Do 87 million Verizon Wireless customers know that the company is a co-sponsor of a major climate-change-denying, union-busting, pro-mountaintop removal Labor Day rally staged by Massey Energy in Logan, West Virginia?

I didn’t until reading a post by writer and activist Jeff Biggers at Huffington Post — and I’m one of those millions of customers! On its Green Press kit site, Verizon crows that “environmental stewardship is ingrained in Verizon’s heritage, and the company prides itself on having a positive influence on the environment in which it operates.” The site provides links to solar energy resources and generally touts its green street cred.

Massey Energy, the largest producer of Central Appalachian coal, holds out no pretense of pro-environmental sympathies. In a 2008 landmark settlement which it fought tooth-and-nail, Massey agreed to pay $20 million in fines to the EPA to resolve more than 4,500 violations of the Clean Water Act for polluting waterways in West Virginia and Kentucky with coal slurry and wastewater.

One of the country’s foremost practitioners of mountaintop removal, a radical form of coal mining in which entire mountains are blown up, devastating hundreds of square miles of Appalachia and polluting the headwaters of rivers, the company has fiercely lobbied against Obama administration and EPA efforts to crack down on the practice.

Parody or or Real Right wing nutjob? you decide

Keep your kids at home, College brainwash kids, and Burn the books!!

i like to listen to the whole thing because it illustrates the paranoia and ignorance of the Glenn beck followers.. the so called 9/12 project.

however, if you want to skip to the point of this video go to 4:40 mark

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Binder and Binder trying to pull their adds Fox won't let them

Mr. ------, my name is Dick Summer. I?m the guy responsible for Binder and Binder's commercials. I fully agree with you concerning Glen Beck's comments, and I have asked Fox News to remove our commercials from his program.

Here's our problem. Our commercial buy on Fox News is contracted under a system called ROS that's run of schedule. What that means is we buy a certain number of commercials, and the network schedules them where they see fit. The big buck guys can afford to buy specific shows. We can't.

So, Fox may or may not honor my request to remove our spots from any particular program. If they don't, I can of course, not renew at the end of our broadcast contract but not before. As with any contract, one party can't simply decide not to fulfill its obligations to the other.

Now here's as more important problem. Beck was a blip until all the attention his statements have brought him which has resulted in boosting his ratings a full 10%. That's huge. In the last couple of weeks, since this controversy he has gone from being an also ran to coronation as the new cable news king.?

So here's the bottom line: Fox has lost nothing, because the big buck sponsors who have enough money to buy time by the program as opposed to ROS have simply shifted their buys to other shows. So Fox loses no money now, and stands to gain tens of millions of new dollars because of the ratings increase and Beck the blip becomes Big Time Beck.

Beyond explaining the situation to you, there's not much else I can say, except believe it or not I'm glad you decided to write. As a former broadcaster I know that most people wouldn't bother, and that's an important reason why there is so much junk on the air.

Dick Summer, Communications Director, Binder and Binder.