Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Conversation with teabaggers #blabla bla - not finished

k i'm not close to being done.. is sad when teabagger brings up some stupid shit and ask for proof  proof of my statements.. i'm not FOX news.. i don't lie i tell it how it is.. but i'm only doing a fact check on this conversation because he illustrates the most absurd talking points by the right.. so after months of not blogging.. this guy brought the spark back.. thanks teabagger!! i'll finish tomorrow

FACEBOOK POST from a friend:
Wow I thought Trump was a decent dude then I heard his birther ideology and his grandiose presidential aspirations and it's obvious he's just as loco as the rest of the party!
10 hours ago via iPhone · Unlike ·
You and 6 others like this.
RightWingTurds: If you want to be a GOP presidential nominee you have to be batshit crazy or at least play one on TV.. look up huckabee remarks or Natalie Portman. Sarah Palin etc they are all batshit crazy
10 hours ago · Like
Teabagger: Yeah, I mean Democrats really have the country heading in the right direction. I'm so glad Bush is out of office and we are finally getting the change we needed. Agree!!
9 hours ago · Like
Friend: The only problem I see is Obama is way too nice with the right and makes too many compromises and that is why change is taking so long!
8 hours ago · Like
Friend:n I agree fully with at statement Teabagger. Ecstatic bush is out!
8 hours ago · Like
Teabagger: ??? People have short memories. Dont forget Democrats had a super majority and controlled both the House and Senate. Dems could have done whatever they wanted. Buuuut, its Republicans fault. And probably still Bush's fault.
I have no idea what this article has to do with the statement he just made but the way teabagger mentality still a mystery to me.. i like to call it Obama-bashing turrets. i guess he found an article that reinforces his obama bashing mentality and just spit it out.. but just because Bush was too fucking stupid to grasp the complicated rules of golf and rather clear brush in his ranch for most of his vacation time (link).. doesn't mean that Obama golfs too much (Boehner) nor means he couldn't get his Democrats to follow his lead like the republicans followed their leader like brain dead sheep.. is called Filibuster and sell out Dems
8 hours ago · Like
Teabagger:  I love you Friend:!!
8 hours ago · Like
RightWingTurds: Lol looks like Teabagger don't like Obama lol.. But with these bat shit candidates looks like Teabagger is going to get another 4 years of Obama.. Wanna know why? Cause none of these guys has announce they r running for president. They only have exploratory bla bla meaning give me money I might run but i don't want to say I'm running cause I have to report donations to the FEC.. How long till 2012 elections? How come no one is running for sure? Cause they are all scared shitless.. Obama minus well win by default
8 hours ago · Like
RightWingTurds: Hey Teabagger you know what filibuster is right? U know how many times it was used in the last super majority senate? Nuff said <LINK>
8 hours ago · Like
Friend: Lol I stayed quiet cause I was waiting for RightWingTurds to unleash the wrath! Good ish!
7 hours ago · Like
Teabagger: Let me educate you Mr. Sosa, I dont know you, but it seems you dont know your basic Social Studies. A super majority is filibuster proof. Thats why it is called a SUPER majority. Read up on this article. It will help.
trying to educate me about filibuster proof majority? thanks for the link teabagger but filibuster proof majority would mean that every single one of the 60 senators was a democrat and will vote like the republican sheep all in unison.. 1- Lieberman is a fucking independent.. a sell out independent remember McCain presidential run? 2-Bernie Sanders is also an independent.. 3-4- etc Nelson, Baucus etc are all sell out.. so thanks for the social studies lesson dumbass
5 hours ago · Like
Random guy: We may not have gotten the change we were expecting with Obama, but perhaps our expectations were simply too high because of how inspiring he is. I won't go so far as to say all Republicans are bat shit crazy, just the most popular ones for some reason. I do know this though...if those wacky bastards nominate Palin then Obama is definitely safe for another term. Even rednecks are afraid of how dumb she is.
5 hours ago · Like
RightWingTurds: Well we had as you might know we have a couple sell out dems. Some that used to be republicans.. If u r so informed u should know about them and their names.. But I'm pretty sure u know what are sell out politicians and defectors.. You guys have plenty.. Can't even pass a budget or any bills in a super majority house.. Is funny u said we can't get shit dine even with sell outs last congress passed more laws since FDR.. U guys can't even get ur shit together to defined planned parenthood nor pads a single job creating bill.. But mr information guy should know this by now.. I would post links but I'm on my iPhone
5 hours ago · Like
RightWingTurds: Damn just saw all those typos damn u autocorrect.. But u guys get my point.. Defund planned parenthood, etc..
5 hours ago · Like
RightWingTurds:a They are not more popular.. They just do a good job in misinforming the public and they have a 24 hr corporate media reinforcing their talking points.. Just look at healthcare.. I'm pretty sure Teabagger calls his grandma every weekend to make sure obamacare didn't get her yet j/k..
5 hours ago · Like
Wilfredo Alvarez Wooooord.
2 hours ago · Like
Teabagger: You sound very educated and informed. Typical Liberal, getting personal without any facts to back up your debate. Oh, and you are right, you did pass more laws since FDR and how are we doing? 10%+ unemployment, a deficit increase larger than all presidents combined, $3.50+ per gallon of gas, no stabilization in the housing market, etc. etc. etc. Based on your statement, wouldnt that consider Obama's laws the most inefficient since FDR since nothing has fucking changed. Come with some facts, not just BS that you make up like your 24 hr corporate media comment. Now I know you dont know what the hell you are talking about.
about an hour ago · Like
RightWingTurds: Lmafo let me spell that out for you.. Laughing my fucking ass off.. You are blaming the housing market crash that went down on Bush on Obama? You are blaming unemployment on Obama.. The guy that created more jobs in his 1st 2 years than ur boy Bush did in 8 years.. You are blaming gas prices on Obama? Give me a fucking break.. Are u going to blame him for ur tooth fairy giving u a quarter instead of a dollar. By your talking points I can already tell where u get ur news sources.. There is only a couple places Blaming Obama for gas prices and they are teabagger central.. Aka corporate media.. LMFAO.. I battled my share of teabaggers and I can already tell that you would be a waste of my time.. My job blocks a lot of shit and I can only check facebook on my phone.. Is not that I don't have facts is that I can post links from my phone.. But even if I do u going to say they are liberal bias bla bla.. But if you can't google I can't talk to you..All my statement are easily verifiable.. But I can tell you something how about you follow me on twitter at @rightwingturds an u might learn a thing or two
46 minutes ago · Like
RightWingTurds: Dude one more thing.. Think shit hasn't changed since obama took power? Have u been investing? I started investing right after Obama took power and my portfolio has never looked better... Obama is a beautiful thing if you are investing
41 minutes ago · Like
RightWingTurds: Also which part you think I'm lying about? Come on bro.. I made a lot of statements.. Which one you think I'm lying about.. I'll prove u wrong
36 minutes ago · Like
Teabagger:No, the housing market crash was due to Clinton's deregulation of Freddie and Fannie and thus unemployment followed. Can you please educate me on where the jobs have come from? Because unemployment has gone up since Obama's has been elected. Here ya go, since I know your are full of it.
33 minutes ago · Like
Teabagger: Can you please post something with merit other than your bullshit comments, this is getting boring
26 minutes ago · Like
Teabagger: Oh and shame on you Mr Sosa for investing in the EVIL corporations. Lets tax them more and more, down with the evil corporations!!! Fucking hypocrates...
19 minutes ago · Like
Teabagger: I love change!!!
15 minutes ago · Like
Friend: I'm staying out of this......... I also agree wholeheartedly with everything RightWingTurds wrote. Teabagger I'm sorry brother but you are truly so far gone with these ideologies.
15 minutes ago · Like
RightWingTurds: hey frank thanks for the comments.. i'm taking this conversation out of Kevin's wall and taking it to my blog.. damm i havent taken apart someone in my blog in a very long time.. my post will be up in a little while at you can answer in my blog so you dont take space on kevin's wall..
11 minutes ago · Like
Teabagger:  Please tell me which of the following ideologies you do not agree with: Less Government, Personal Responsibility, Lower Taxes (yes even for evil corporations). And dont get me wrong, I hate many things Bush did and I sure as well would not vote on any major GOP candidate that is a front runner. But dont give me this shit that Obama is our savior. He is making the same mistakes Bush and Clinton did.

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