Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Conversations with my buddies about RW acts of violence, Obama and Glenn Beck

I took a while writing some of this stuff and i figure i should share it with some of my other Friends in twitter and Blogspot.

I might not always be right.. and i would love some feedback if i'm mistaken on some of the points i make while defending my point of views. i have take their name out.. Please don't criticize my friends.. however, i would love some feed back about my statements

"Buddy 1": he was a registered democrat,a truther, a bush hater,so is he a left wing nut. how about insteed of playing politicis call him what he is a nut!!!!!

"Buddy 2": yea, a nut's a nut....

RightWingSuperTurds: lol sorry but this guy is all you... when people start shooting and flying planes into buildings.. after glenn beck tells them to"armed ur self" and "start a revolution" shit like this happens

he was a libertarian and was a fan of the Ludwig Von Mises Institute

he was registered democrat to support Alaska Senator Mike Gravel in the 2008 presidential race because he supports for selling marijuana in liquor stores... See More


and if you believe that truthers are left wing.. then Alex Jones is not a conservative.. i'm guessing he is a liberal?

i already show
"Buddy 1" a link to watch this movie.. "Buddy 2" you should watch this movie too.. meet the original glenn beck


"Buddy 1": he also was a truther and a bush hater. the blame goes on him and him only!!! as i told you before 20% on each side is nuts,4 you 2 say it is everyone on the rights fault you are sounding like the 20% of nuts on the left. if he is a libertarian i guss it is your fault because you say your a libertarian. you are sounding like the extream left media who will say anything 2 make their side sound better,but what happens, average sane americans will stop listening 2 you altogether.

"Buddy 2":
"RightWingTurds", you just confuse me sometimes and can be very contradictory....
my point is simple, i agree with "Buddy 1", that blame should just not be placed on right or left, it doesn't matter, some people are just crazy, and they don't need Glenn Beck to tell them to do anything, they are going to do it either way....An average, somewhat intelligent person, does not watch Glenn Beck and think he is asking them to fly planes into buildings or go on shooting sprees.....
I've told you before, I think Glenn Beck is a little crazy at times and overdramatic, but I also think he is often misunderstood and taken out of context....I usually don't care to watch him, but my boyfriend does, and a lot of times what I overhear him saying, actually does have some truth to it, he's not completely crazy and actually makes some very valid points....
I think anything to one extreme is just not good, and I agree that you are contributing to the fact that if you just keep spewing anti-anything remarks that are extremist, people will just stop listening....
Glenn Beck is a big cry baby and often irritating, but he's expressing how our country is falling apart, and nothing is getting any better, especially if we allow our Gov't to continue to get bigger and bigger and take away our personal freedoms....... See More
As a whole, I think we have lost focus of what our founding fathers wanted for our country, come to America, work hard, and you will be rewarded....and as much as I love helping others and giving my time to those that are unfortunate, I'm not looking to live in a socialistic society, which is the direction we seem to be headed, and that is what people are scared of....
we could debate about this forever...but for now I will leave it at that....

"Buddy 1": wow!!!!that was great. i like gleen beck and i still agree with you he is overdramatic but not a killer.

"RightWingTurds": i have libertarian beliefs.. i'm not a libertarian.. if i wanted to live in a 3rd world country with no govt i would not live in the united states..

i had a long response about glenn beck being nut, calling to arm your self and start a revolution is gonna get someone killed.. but i think i stated that already.. so i'm just gonna ask you guys 3 things.. (ps. the IRS plane crasher was a tea party patriot)

1:- how is the country falling apart? is not like it started to fall apart when Obama took over.. it was falling apart before it.. if anything Obama is trying to impose Regulations that made the whole system crash.. however, he cant get it past the senate.. the cosumer protection agency is getting road blocked by the GOP..

2:- can someone please tell me exactly what personal freedoms has Obama taken away or is gonna take away? Please someone tell me .. i didnt get the memo

3:- So can you tell me which country has become a socialistic nazy run country that has universal healthcare and emissions and contamination regulations? honestly?

PS whatever i say.. what ever i post.. might be leftist.. might be in the 20% that "Buddy 1"talks about.. but as extreme you guys think it is.. is not gonna get anyone killed..

"Buddy 1": you just dont get it maby you dont want 2 get it. people die or kill every day some are on the left some are on the right. you cant blame beck or keit o. 4 it. i could say many of our military people have been killed because of the hate america talk that came out of the left wing media during the bush years. i remember back than all you on the ... See Moreleft said that was free speech i perfer 2 put the blame where it belonges islamic terrorists!! i will get back 2 you on my opion about obama. nobody saying you cant have a different opion its just wrong 2 silence someone because you dont agree. if you kill and 2 blame anyone but you is getting you off the hook.

the short answer what is wrong spending$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

"RightWingTurds": Sorry to LOL but you just defended "Bush's" war and you followed it by "wrong spending$$$$"

"Buddy 1": that is were we are different i told you the other day i was aganist bushs spending. i blame the lef and right 4 our troubles.

obama has not pulled out of the wars.

"RightWingTurds": "Buddy 1" "Buddy 2".... you guys didnt answer my question

can someone please tell me exactly what PERSONAL FREEDOMS has Obama taken away or is gonna take away? Please someone tell me ..

"Buddy 1": ok taking over the banks car company. telling people what there salary can be and who can or cant have a bonus.taking over student loans.taking over 1/3 of our ecomony with this health care bill.taking over more of our ecomony with cap and trade bill.trying 2 give unions the power 2 get into a business witout a vote with card check bill. the failed... See More stimulus bill he said unemployement would not go over 8 percent.wastful spending ,tripled the defict. that will take our kids freedom away as they try 2 pay 4 it all. 2 what else you said that day. the republican cant stop nothing from passing from day one of obama adimaration the dems. have the votes thing dont pass because they fight between each other. your other question when did the trouble start. it started by giving loans 2 people who can afford them 2 buy houses. fanny and freddie is were it started. and CLINTON BUSH andOBAMA is all at fault. but i can show you were during the bush adimaration they had hearing and the republicans tried 2 stop fanny and freddie and the dems. said nothing was worng that the republicans was just racist that fanny and freddie was just fine .most people dont know about those hearings.

"RightWingTurds": Wow "Buddy 1" good one.. i think i have my next blog post right here... this is gonna be fun!!

i gonna point out couple of things out there that i see as plain wrong.. (look for the long version in my blog soon)

1: i don't think Obama should of rescued GM and Ford.. he should of allowed them to collapse and start from scratch.. they make shitty cars anyways.. so I'm with you "Buddy 1".. (and some people call me un American) However, i do see why Obama would want to rescue one of the only surviving manufacturing industry that still makes something in the USA.. (do you know anyone that makes anything that we can export?) i don't.. not a single person.. ... See More

2: so if the congress bipartisanship passed legislation to bail out banks under BUSH!! so they wouln't collapse.. you don't think we should have a say in capping multimillion BONUSES.. for companies that LOST money.. then we McDonalds should give bonuses to people who spit in your hamburgers.. LOL

3: do you know anyone with student loans? i have thousands of dollars in student loans.. already SUBSIDIZED by the gov't and ENFORCED by the law (no bankruptcy can let u take them off) Enforced and subsidized by the government and Obama want's to cut the middle man that shouldn't be there in the 1st place.. PLEASE tell me a name of a person that you know that doesn't want his or her student's loans to be done DIRECTLY by the govt PLEASE!!

4: Anti Union guy nice... FAIR wages and NEGOTIATION power would kill manufacturing companies like the Car industry right? (so says FOX) I guess that is the reason why JAPAN, GERMANY, EUROPE CAR companies which are unionized and with universal healthcare are doing so bad.. Just because FOX news blames the Unions for the fall of GM and Ford it doesn't make it so.. the reason they needed a bailout is because they made NON GREEN SHITTY CARS that no one wanted to buy. i don't know what you do.. or what you did.. but anyone that works for a company would benefit from unions.. i never been a part of one but that is what i believe..

5: Healthcare is 1/3 of the economy? FOX news already exaggerating says is 1/6.. so let's focus on that magical number... why is it 1/6 of the economy (i think this is the reason we need reform)..
why does healthcare cost twice as much than any industrialized nation?
YES we have the best HEALTHCARE system!!... but between US and Healthcare there is a little FAT guy eating away all of our money... is called Health Insurance and their CEOs with tons of excuses and expenses fatting up their wallets.. we just want them to be regulated and have Competition by a non-profit option.. (public Option).

6: Failed Stimulus? my favorite subject.. 1/3 of it was TAX CUTS.. most of it went to infrastructure and keeping services like Cops, fire departments and teachers working.. i'm guessing you don't know any of them.. i know teacher's, and Cops that stayed employed because of it.. dont know firefighters.. So according to you and the GOP talking points it failed.. right? So why are they so many GOPs praising and asking for more stimulus money? just go to google and type
"stimulus hypocrisy" plenty of picture and videos of ribbon cutting ceremonies..


7: Triple the deficit huh? why don't say quadrupled sounds more catchy .. but just because someone is making numbers up doesn't make them real.. Deficit was at 1.3 trillion on Jan 2009.. when exactly was that tripled? i didnt get the memo. but i know he answered that Same Question at the GOP meeting he had.. you know the one with all the republicans and just him.. I think it was very well addressed and no one contested his answer.. you would of known if it wasn't cut off on FOX news..

skip to the :30 second mark


8: they called the GOP racist? it's Freddy and Fanie's fault bla bla bla.. heard that one before..

It takes a very stupid person to blame 2 companies and consumer that "couldn't effort something" for the biggest Economic Collapse that we have ever known.. most of these stupid people work at FOX so i don't blame you for simplifying a little

I'm actually very familiar with this so i'm going to make it quick

Have you heard that Countrywide was the biggest and largest underwriter of subprime mortgages before sub-prime mortgage bubble..

So who is it to blame for this?
Who deregulated banks and took out consumer protections that allowed saving banks to become high stakes gambling machines that allow them place bets on mortgages?

Allow them to cut mortgages up and sell them as derivatives? inflating their prices and gains so it would become a standard trading among pension and retirements funds

Then Allow insurance companies like AIG to sell insurance on these derivatives but weren't allowed to call it "insurance" because that would mean that they would have to have financial backing to guarantee every loan.. so they called them "default swaps"

who allowed to create home loans and equity loans with fluctuating interest rates that would increase loan interest rates to the level that not even the wealthiest people could afford to make payments? Causing a chain reaction that caused a mass foreclosures and the collapse of an economy based on chopped mortgages called derivatives and that were insured (default swaps) by non existent money.

i tell you WHO.. Corrupt GOP and yes BUSH.. and yes Some sold out democrats and tons of Bank and insurance Lobbyist... But NOT OBAMA... unless he had a time machine and a fake birth certificate (joke) he is NOT responsible for that..

However, if it lets you sleep better at night .. you can simplify it.. stupify it and blame it on Freddy and Fannie Mae.. and the poor


"Buddy 1": the bottom line is i am a conservative your a progressive and we will never agree on how it should go.but i am getting tired of when i dont agree with you its is because of stupied dumb racist.you want the progressive movement i dont think you stupied 4 that i just disgree.and i believe people like that will change our country in a bad way.i am finshed 4 the week.

"RightWingTurds": I apologize once again.. i dont think my beliefs are far off.. let me know if i'm wrong.. aren't conservative trying to protect American values of a different era..

Era like maybe the Reagan Era right? back then we had banking regulations, woman had a choice, taxes for the rich were higher, the president used reconciliation to pass his agenda, and health insurance rates were lower, there was no out sourcing of American jobs... and Citizens had more rights than corporations!!...

How are my beliefs radical or different than yours?...

"Buddy 1": big differance you want big gov i want small gov. i believe you want gov. 2 take over health care but like obama i dont believe you want 2 admit that if i am wrong sorry.i dont think gov. should be in the job business keep taxes low and get out of the way and the people will create jobs not gov. the big difference you look 2 the gov. 2 fix things... See More i look 2 the people . you know we the people not we the gov. i dont believe in class war fair you do.people who cant take care of themself i am all 4 taking care of them. i but i dont believe in punish you if you have money either. i no longer believe in unions you do. and i retired from gm. if jobs go over seas it our fault .business should sink or swim on their own. it bigger than you think it all about gov. i want less you want more.your not stupied 4 your belief and the right is not stuped 4 what we believe . i dont know how it will all shake out ,but every time someone disgrees and they are called racist ,dumb, stupied it get under my craw. have a good weekend talk monday

"RightWingTurds": Taxes were lowered (for the rich) govt deregulated the banking industry.. consumer protections were destroyed all under Bush. We have a monopoly of Health Insurance companies that have taken over 1/6th of our economy. GOP advocates a small govt when they aren't in power but when they are they grew the govt at an exponential rate.. in a bad way... thanks to Bush. Conservative wet dream became America's worst economic depression

Who is gonna keep jobs from going over seas? big business? if you think big business and insurance companies are on your side... i don't think you been paying attention

Look what happened when the GOP took over and did everything you said you want.. how did that work out? Sorry i didnt like the recession and don't want this shit to happen again.. conservatives did their best during the past 10 years.. it only destroyed our economy and the middle class.. ... See More

"Buddy 1" i thought i was making pretty big money.. but listening to you.. you must be a really rich man to be fighting for corporation rights and lower taxes for the rich.. i guess Fox news was right and GM indeed paid their workers 84 dollars an hour..

You should buy this movie called "Capitalism a love story" by a son of a GM assembly line worker.. you would really like it

"Buddy 1":
i really feel i am wasting my time talking 2 you about politics. there is so many scandals with demorcrats right now but all you say is beck, rush and the gop is racist and evil.you sound just like the hate peddlers you read and watch.the left wing has always played the game the other side is dumb,stuped and racist and you play it 2 it is not ... See Moreneeded. we are were we are because of the dems. and republians. first bush was not a conservative he spent like one of you guys.i want a real conservative some day. even though what he had 2 deal with was tougher than any pres. has had 2 deal with in a lomg time. he started with clintons recession .he kept us safe after 911. the ecomony was is good shap with low unemployent 4 six years between 5 and 6%.i dont have 2 watch nothing in my eyes the problems started because of freddie and fannie and the gov. pushing the loans 2 people who cant afford them. and each side was in on it. at least the republicans wanted 2 stop it and the dems said nothing was wrong .i get that you dont agree.i am sick of you class war fair. when was the last time you got a job from a poor man.the problem with the big gov. and high taxes you eventually run out of other peoples money.that is why it never works. as far as me and GM if i was worried about my pension i would support obama . i think they should go under it is theres and the unions fault. i am willing 2 lose everything i have 4 what i believe in.and if they would go under i would have. by the way i worked there 4 ten years under ten dollars a hour. when i was your age i was a left wing guy,but after years of watching you taxes go up and other people not willing 2 work as hard as you but they want the same money as you you start 2 change. everyone should have the same opportunity but if you waste you life away you dont get the same as the people who work 4 it.the class war fair people always say everyone should have the right 2 have this and that. but the truth is you want 2 take the same stuff away from other people. it not that you stupied or i am, or i am not paying attention or your not. we just have 2 very different dreams 4 our country. i just pray GOD is on my side.

"Buddy 1": one thing i forgot the tax cut 4 the rich that is a lie!!the tax cut was 4 all. example if i payed 5 millon in taxes and you payed 5 thousand in taxes at a 5% tax cut my cut would be bigger than yours. if you get more than you pay that would be a welfare check. you can spin it how you wish but when taxes are low the evil rich create mor jobs.

"RightWingTurds": You defend the tax cuts for the Rich in one hand (which added 1.73 trillion dollars to the deficit) but in the other hand you say that we have to watch the deficit or our kids will loose their freedoms when trying to pay it back.. that just doesn't make any sense.

The reason GM and Ford went almost under it was because they made shitty gas gosling cars who no one wanted to buy when the Oil prices went up.. I didnt know the Unions were responsible for the design of the cars.. but i guess u know better... Foreign Cars are prevailing because of their green technology which we should invest too to stay competitive..

Like i said before just because glenn beck says it was freddie and fannie mae's fault it doesnt make it so.. thats why we have economist and people who study this.. Like i said my father lost a lot of his retirement savings.. he didnt have money invested in freddie and fannie mae.. how do you explain all the money he lost? that theorie doesn't hold ground.. 1 thing i notice.. FOX news also blames Acorn... i'm surprise you didnt include them in your theory..... See More

"Buddy 1" the economy was great during bush.. i used to work for a 3d renderings company that depended on the high rise of mortgage property and luxury homes... it was great because like i said the economy was riding on a economic bubble.. a bubble that depended on Chopped up mortgages (DERIVATIVES) but the bubble bursted when people realized the derivatives where over priced and were worthless..

Low unemployment and signs of a good economy are typical in an economic bubble.. Economic bubble that was pumped up by Bush..

just had to put that out.. but you can choose to believe me or not..

We been talking a lot about Obama and his solutions.. how about we talk about the conservative solutions

So Far this is what i know about the conservative solutions to if our economy... you let me know if you agree

Lower taxes.. (which bush did)
Deregulate banks and Business (which Bush also did)

Health Care
Shop across state lines ( so Insurance companies can set up shop in states with the least amount of regulations)
Tort Reform (Texas, Florida and other states already have and only lowered the insurance premiums 2- 3 percent)
Deregulation (Will only hurt patients just like the deregulations of banks)

i think thats about it right?

"Buddy 1": Look at the state being run by conservatives and how great it is doing TEXAS.look at states and citys that are going under being run by left win loons . michigan,detroit .ohio,cleveland philly ny,california arnold dont matter its a left wing loon state. when dems. take over citys they go under. that it i win you lose we are done!!!lol

"RightWingTurds": Texas has some of the highest rates in truancy, drop outs, teen pregnancies, and uninsured people. They are responsible for the Texas Textbook massacre where Thomas Jefferson, Kennedy were taken out of the history Books. Replaced McCarthy as a loon and now say he is justified..

They didn't get hurt economically because the Mortgage bubble didnt affect them much... cause no one wants to live there :)

If that is considered a success.. i think i'll pass......

Let's call it a tie? lol

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