Saturday, August 8, 2009

Your request is being processed... Chuck Norris On Birthers: "I Agree With CNN's Lou Dobbs"

In a column Tuesday, actor and conservative political figure Chuck Norris argued that President Obama should release his birth certificate. Norris said that he finds it "a bit of a groundless stretch" to believe the president is not from Hawaii. Yet, he tells Obama, "Refusing to post your original birth certificate is an unwise political and leadership decision that is enabling the "birther" controversy." And he adds that the president's alleged reluctance suggests that he does have something to hide -- even if he was born in the U.S.

I agree with CNN's Lou Dobbs, who was chastised by his own media outlet for demanding the release of your original birth certificate. Why was that such a bad request? [...]

Mr. President, as more and more people realize that you are refusing to release your original birth certificate, further questions will fuel the fires of debate or at least hinder the embers from ever being snuffed out. Questions such as, "Does it really contain the Hawaiian physician's name?" "Does it disclose something other than his birthplace that he wishes others not to see?"

Dobbs, like Norris, has said he believes Obama is a citizen. He was just covering the controversy, which the president himself should put to rest by releasing the paper. However, Dobbs "coverage" has included such leading statements as, ""I'm starting to think we have a document issue. You suppose he's un... no, I won't even use the word undocumented, it wouldn't be right."

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