Sunday, August 30, 2009

THAT'S NOT TORTURE - song parody from

Hooboy. Did you hear about the neocon, national paper of record that printed an op-ed that might have as well been written by Dick Cheney himself? In a jingoistic and highly questionably-sourced article, WaPo's Fred Hiatt basically insisted that torturing Khalid Sheikh Mohammad worked, damnit! And of course, the big Dick himself, Darth Cheney will be on Fox News to reinforce what a smart and wonderful thing torture is. And Princess Darth, Liz Cheney, will be on This Week's roundtable to reinforce it. Meanwhile, the legacy of Ted Kennedy will be still on everyone's mind too. Meet the Press, This Week and State of the Union will immerse themselves in the life and life's work of Kennedy. Any bets on how fast some GOPer (Orrin Hatch, I'm looking at you) will bemoan EMK's death as the end of the hope of bipartisanship on health care reform?

ABC's "This Week" - Sens. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, and John Kerry, D-Mass.

CBS' "Face the Nation" - Sens. John McCain, R-Ariz., Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., and Hatch; Rep. Barney Frank, D-Mass.; Michael Eric Dyson, sociology professor at Georgetown University.

NBC's "Meet the Press" - Kerry; Sen. Chris Dodd, D-Conn.; Kathleen Kennedy Townsend and Maria Shriver, nieces of Sen. Edward M. Kennedy; Doris Kearns Goodwin, presidential historian; former Kennedy adviser Bob Shrum.

NBC's "The Chris Matthews Show" - Panel: Howard Fineman, Michele Norris, Andrea Mitchell, Bill Plante. Topics: Has television forever altered American politics and changed history? Chris Matthews's special personal reflections on Senator Edward Kennedy. Meter Questions: Will outspoken fringe players dominate GOP for the rest of Obama's term? YES: 9 NO: 3; If unemployment is still high next year, will Obama revise his tax proposals? YES: 11 No: 1.

CNN's "State of the Union" - Hatch; Dodd; Red Sox president Larry Lucchino; Boston Mayor Thomas Menino; former Massachusetts Lt. Gov. Thomas P. O'Neill III; environmental advocate Robert F. Kennedy Jr., nephew of Sen. Kennedy; Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer, once a Kennedy aide; Sens. Maria Cantwell, D-Wash., Mary Landrieu, D-La.

CNN's "Fareed Zakaria GPS" - An encore presentation of Fareed's Emmy nominated interview with China's Premier Wen Jiabao.

"Fox News Sunday" - Former Vice President Dick Cheney.

So, what's catching your eye this morning.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Idaho tea party activist/GOP leader arrested for assault with a deadly weapon.

Idaho resident Challiss McAffee has been “charged with felony aggravated assault after police say he pulled a handgun on a resident whose home he told police he was photographing as part of a foreclosure investigation.” When the resident began questioning McAffee about what he was doing, the confrontation escalated, culminating in McAffee brandishing his gun. McAffee is a member of the Ada County Republican Central Committee and “one of 231 voting members of the state Republican Central Committee.” He is also was also strong backer of libertarian presidential candidate Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) and an activist in the tea party movement. Wells Fargo contractor Tony Schewmaker reportedly hired McAffee for the investigation and bemoaned that “we can’t use a gun in our own protection.” However, a spokesman for Wells Fargo said that McAffee’s behavior was “horrific and absolutely inexcusable.”

GOP the "party of no" says GOP rep

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Woman yells ‘Heil Hitler’ to Jewish man praising Israel’s national health care system.

Conservatives have strenuously denied that there is any anti-Semitism on display by anti-health reform protesters at town hall meetings nationwide — despite all the evidence to the contrary. Last week, Las Vegas radio station KDWN AM720 sponsored a “contentious” town hall, emceed by conservative morning show host Heidi Harris. At the event, local news stations were interviewing an Israeli man who was praising the “fantastic” “national health care” in Israel. During his remarks, a woman yelled out, “Heil Hitler!” The man stopped, became visibly upset, and exclaimed, “Did you hear this? She say to a Jew, ‘Heil Hitler’! Hear? I’m a Jew! You’re telling me, ‘Heil Hitler’? Shame of you!” After he angrily confronts her, the woman mocks him by making a crying sound to imply he is a whining baby. Watch it:

She Deserves the TURD award

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Friday, August 14, 2009

Glen Beck Advocates Healthcare reform.. not now but he did

Glen Beck is raving and screaming about how great is our healthcare system. Even advocating violence and threatening to poison Nanacy Pelosi. Going as far as saying we have the worlds best health care system.

However, in January of 2008 after a surgery he was all about health care reform because the horrible treatment he received. Despite the fact he has what we like to call a Cadillac Health Insurance.

Watch it here

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Glenn Beck's Operation
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Political HumorSpinal Tap Performance

Quick facts

The World Health Organization (WHO), in 2000, ranked the U.S. health care system as the highest in cost, first in responsiveness, 37th in overall performance, and 72nd by overall level of health (among 191 member nations included in the study).[11][12]
A 2008 report by the Commonwealth Fund ranked the United States last in the quality of health care among the 19 compared countries.[14] The U.S. has a higher infant mortality rate than all other developed countries.[nb 1][15] According to the Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences, the United States is the "only wealthy, industrialized nation that does not ensure that all citizens have coverage" (i.e. some kind of assurance).[16][17]

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Sarah Palin vs Sotomayor

Wise latina and dumb hick.. had to post it this is hilarious

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

NH right-wing protester suggests sending ‘illegals’ home with a ‘bullet in their head.’

If you think that Healthcare debate is just about insurance companies and reforming a failing system.. You are dead wrong.. racism and violence is flourishing all over the nation embraced by the right wing media.

Notice how this guy talks about putting a bullet in the head of illegal aliens before sending them back. You figure this would shock everybody around him but looks like no one seems to care.

So are you for health care reform? or are you for putting a bullet in Juan's head?

i want to give him this week's turd award.. but honestly is too soon to call it.. and honestly i'm sure someone is gonna say or do something worse

“Why are we bankrupting this country for 21 million illegals who should be sent on the first bus one way back from wherever they come from. We don’t need illegals. Send them home once. Send them home with a bullet in their head the second time. Read what Jefferson said about the Tree of Liberty — it’s coming baby.”

Watch it:

This American Life" On Health Insurance's Fine Print

A recent episode of This American Life-the fine, fine public radio show-has an excellent piece on the health insurance industry's use of "rescission." This is when people with individual insurance policies come down with an illness (or get pregnant) and the insurance company denies coverage by claiming it was a preexisting condition.

As exhibit A, the segment focuses on Robin Beaton, a woman diagnosed with invasive breast cancer whose insurance was rescinded after Blue Cross Blue Shield misinterpreted an old acne diagnosis of Beaton's as pre-cancerous.

You can listen to or download the segment online for free here. It is excellent.

Ira Glass looks at the fine print in health insurance [PRI]

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Right wing nut job brings loaded gun To Obama's Townhall Meeting

Fuck your second Amendment you right wing nut job. Why is the Secret Service not all over this dumb motherfucker?

Monday, August 10, 2009

Right Wing’s Anti-Health Care Icon Is Uninsured, Seeking Donations To Pay For Care

Last week, during a scuffle between health care town hall protesters and SEIU members at a town hall hosted by Rep. Russ Carnahan (D-MO), anti-health care reform protester Kenneth Gladney was injured and required hospitalization:

Among the injured was Kenneth Gladney, 38, of St. Louis. He said he was with the Tea Party, handing out yellow flags with “Don’t tread on me” printed on them, when he was assaulted. He said he sought hospital treatment for injuries to his knee, back, elbow, shoulder and face.

“I was attacked for something I believe in,” he said.

Since then, conservatives have been using Gladney’s case as a cause célèbre to claim that “union thugs” are being used to silence dissent at health care town halls and have turned him into a hero of their movement.

The irony is that Gladney’s situation underscores the vital need for health care reform. He was recently laid off and lost his insurance (14,000 Americans suffer a similar fate each day). Because he has no affordable health care option available, Gladney is now soliciting donations to pay his medical expenses:

Less than 48 hours later, protesters gathered Saturday in front of the union’s offices, many of them holding signs with a slightly different version of the message: “Don’t Tread on Kenny.” [...]

Gladney did not address Saturday’s crowd of about 200 people. His attorney, David Brown, however, read a prepared statement Gladney wrote. “A few nights ago there was an assault on my liberty, and on yours, too.” Brown read. “This should never happen in this country.”

Supporters cheered. Brown finished by telling the crowd that Gladney is accepting donations toward his medical expenses. Gladney told reporters he was recently laid off and has no health insurance.

Commenting on the Gladney incident, The Moderate Voice writes, “Seriously, you can’t make this stuff up. If anything was more calculated to make the Right look foolish than this St. Louis incident then I’d love to see it.”

Under the House’s health care proposal, Gladney would be guaranteed a coverage option and would likely receive a subsidy to purchase affordable health care.

the complete video of the congressmen losing his temper

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Facebook Friend request --> FAIL

I became a Sarah Palin Supporter for like 2 hours.. Why would i do something as crazy as that? to be able to post on her wall make sun of her.. you know regular everyday stuff

Done this a couple of times but today was different

In the couple of hours i was in there some dumb girl.. maybe a recruiter for the other side requested to be one of my friends.. :) let the fun begin

I had to let the Poor "Conservative" fan of Bobby Jindal down.. and REJECT her

Foxnation Ripping off pictures from

Looks like is spending all their money fighting Healthcare reform.. don't have money left to buy stockphotography.. don't even bother to take out the watermark from does anyone know how to report them?

Best Interview Ever

to all the reporters out there.. or wanna be reporters. you should study this interview and learn!!! best interview ever

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Bill Kristol Extended Interview
Daily Show
Full Episodes
Political HumorSpinal Tap Performance

GOP leaders part 1

I will be showing a list of crazy GOP memorable moments

Remember crazy old lady? bet u haven't watch the after interview

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Tea Baggers Vs HealthCare Reformers

Times Square teabbaging Party

Looks like the right has another Hollywood Endorsement

Stephen Baldwin endorsing tea baggers.. reminds me of his last movie.. oh wait.. i can't remember his last movie... weird

After Complaining about press including her family she brings her son into healthcare

After Complaining about press including her family she brings her son into healthcare debate by saying the new healthcare reform will bring her down syndrome baby in front of a "death panel" to decide if he lives or dies.

So in other words.. Press you keep your hands off my family and kids.. the only one allowed to profit and use my kids as political tools is me!! -Sarah Palin

And everyone wondered if she had crawl back into the hole she came from before the election. But i guess Alaskan ex governor will never go away just like that gum stock in your shoe..

in this article Sarah Palin tells the press leave my kids alone

CNN’s Rick Sanchez ripped into Conservatives for Patients’ Rights founder Rick Scott

i think Rick Sanchez does very soft interviews.. doesn't usually call people out in their shit. and usually let people use his show to get their soundbites out. However when he interviewed Rick Scott he did a decent job.

today over his anti-health care reform advocacy efforts. Sanchez pointed out that Hospital Corporation of America/Columbia Hospital Corporation, which Scott founded, was charged with defrauding the government for more than a decade and had to pay the government a record $1.7 billion. “Some would argue, and it would be hard to say they’re wrong,” said Sanchez, “that you would be the poster child for everything that’s wrong with the greed that has hurt our current health care system.” Scott responded by pointing out that other companies also had to pay fines, which Sanchez responded was exactly the reason health care reform was so necessary:

How much more wrong can you be than what you just said? Not only is your company screwed up — and you just admitted to it — and you’re saying, look at all the other companies, they did the same thing! That doesn’t sound to me like a sterling system that we have, does it?

Scott became so desperate to defend himself that he tried to say the fines were paid after he left the company (even though the charges were from while he was there) and insisted, “No one went to jail.” Watch it:

Beck Jokes About "Put[ting] Poison" In Nancy Pelosi's Wine

Glen Beck is inciting violence and now threatening the life of Nancy Pelosi.!! for this he gets this weeks TURD AWARD

Glenn Beck joked about adding poison to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's glass of wine on his show on Thursday afternoon.

As the Fox News host imagined what it would be like to go to a Pelosi fundraiser, a staffer sat across the table from him wearing a Pelosi mask.

As the staffer raised a glass of red wine to her lips, Beck demanded, "Drink it. Drink it. Drink it."

He then added, "I wanted to thank you for having me over here in wine country... By the way, I put poison in your... No. I look forward to all the policy discussions we're supposed to have. You know, on health care, energy reform, and the economy. Hey, is that Sean Penn over there?"

"Enough of the Mob"

i don't call them the mob i call them the "paid to break health care reform uneducated part of the country" watching this is like watching the mobs of people who fought the civil rights movement because they liked racism

Your request is being processed... Chuck Norris On Birthers: "I Agree With CNN's Lou Dobbs"

In a column Tuesday, actor and conservative political figure Chuck Norris argued that President Obama should release his birth certificate. Norris said that he finds it "a bit of a groundless stretch" to believe the president is not from Hawaii. Yet, he tells Obama, "Refusing to post your original birth certificate is an unwise political and leadership decision that is enabling the "birther" controversy." And he adds that the president's alleged reluctance suggests that he does have something to hide -- even if he was born in the U.S.

I agree with CNN's Lou Dobbs, who was chastised by his own media outlet for demanding the release of your original birth certificate. Why was that such a bad request? [...]

Mr. President, as more and more people realize that you are refusing to release your original birth certificate, further questions will fuel the fires of debate or at least hinder the embers from ever being snuffed out. Questions such as, "Does it really contain the Hawaiian physician's name?" "Does it disclose something other than his birthplace that he wishes others not to see?"

Dobbs, like Norris, has said he believes Obama is a citizen. He was just covering the controversy, which the president himself should put to rest by releasing the paper. However, Dobbs "coverage" has included such leading statements as, ""I'm starting to think we have a document issue. You suppose he's un... no, I won't even use the word undocumented, it wouldn't be right."

Blue DOGS the PROSTITUES of our system

To The Blue DOGS - If you will behave as if you are Republicans -- as if you are the PROSTITUES of our system --you will be judged as such. And you will lose not merely our respect. You will lose your jobs!

Orly Taitz Melts Down On MSNBC, Blames MSM "Brownshirts" (VIDEO)

The conventional wisdom is that August is the slowest month for news, thus it's tailor-made for the "Birther" movement -- crazies that come hand-delivered to the media in their month of need, like barrel-dwelling fish that shoot themselves. Today, they're waving around a supposed "Kenyan birth certificate" for President Barack Obama without regard to the fact that it would have to have come from an alternate reality where Kenya became Kenya before Kenya was Kenya, and on which Obama is said to have been born in a city that was actually part of Zanzibar at the time of his birth. It's all pretty awesome and fun and now everyone's getting in on the "let's all forge up some birth certificates" craze. It's August 2009, and America is precisely where our founders envisioned we would be.

On Monday, David Shuster and Tamron Hall hosted celebrated "Birther Queen" Orly Taitz, who is a walking Saturday Night Live character, possibly played by Chris Kattan, come to life. The resulting discussion was, as you might imagine, pretty special! Taitz came on, speaking as if in a panic, presaging her answers with complaints about CNN, referring to David Shuster as a "brownshirt," and making oddball claims about how "85% of Americans think Barack Obama was not properly vetted."

Anyway, this is like Shuster and Hall attempting to interview an angry Fraggle.

We remind you that the Birther Lunar Cycle of Mania may hit a peak tomorrow, August 4, because it is President Barack Obama's birthday...IF HE WAS "BORN" AT ALL. MWAHAHAHA.

Tancredo: Sotomayor Pals Around With Mexican Separatists

tancredoDoubling-down on his previous claim that Justice-to-be Sonia Sotomayor is a member of the “Latino KKK,” nativist former Congressman and presidential candidate Tom Tancredo (R-CO) published a column yesterday suggesting that she supports an imaginary movement of Mexican-Americans planning to wage civil war against the United States:

The last thing the Democrats want is for the American people to know about the National Council of La Raza, their radical agenda and Sotomayor’s association with the group.

Sotomayor is a member of La Raza and her comments about “Wise Latinas” being superior to white men appeared in the La Raza Law Journal. The National Council of La Raza bills itself as “the largest national Hispanic civil rights and advocacy organization in the United States” who works through “its network of nearly 300 affiliated community-based organizations.”

Among these affiliates are several chapters of the Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlán (Chicano Student Movement of Aztlán) who La Raza helps fund. Aztlán is what radical “Mechistas”—as they refer to themselves on La Raza’s website—call the American Southwest, which they claim still belongs to Mexico. Their slogan is “Por La Raza todo, Fuera de La Raza nada” meaning “For the Race everything, outside the Race nothing.” One chapter says on La Raza’s site that their mission is “empowerment of our gente and the liberation of Aztlán.”

For starters, Tancredo offers no explanation for his belief that Sotomayor, who is Puerto Rican, would somehow find common cause with Mexican-American separatists. Mr. Tancredo may be unaware of this fact, but Puerto Rico is not part of Mexico.

Moreover, Tancredo’s claim that America is threatened by Mexican-Americans eager to start a second civil war is simply absurd hate speech. According to the Southern Poverty Law Center, the Aztlán libel is based on a radical document published in 1969, which called on Mexican-Americans to “reclaim the land of their birth” and unite to fight “oppression, exploitation and racism.” Although this document is nothing more than “a relic of the counterculture of the 1960s,” nativist hate groups have seized upon it as a supposed “founding document of a bona fide conspiracy endorsed and backed by Mexico and, in some versions, by most Mexican Americans.”

For Tancredo, however, no theory is too bizarre, so long as it bolsters his deep-seated hatred of people who don’t look like him.