Thursday, December 17, 2009

Most Creepy video .. Senators team up with Far Right Wing Nutjobs to pray and defeat Health Care Reform

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Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Holly stupidity Batman.. The Teabaggers airing out their thoughts

Teabaggers at their best.. gotta love it

American Airlines Sucks and flies me in a broken plane but at least i didnt get a federal Warning for asking for OJ

Over The Weekend I had a horrible Experience with American Airlines.. On my connecting flight from Miami to Jamaica i was literally scared for my life.

The American Airlines flight power on the plane went totally off for about 1 minute.. not even the emergency lights were on right on the runway. Minutes about to fly the plane looses all of it's power is not a normal thing. So what does American Airlines do? turn the flight around... get it checked out? give us a different plane?

Nope the pilot comes on and says.. Well it looks like this is an older plane and stuff like this happens.. I was very scared.. what if this happens in the middle of the flight? the plane would go down like a stone. Before anyone can say anything the plane accelerates and takes off. After a tense 35 40 minutes.. i started to calm down.

The pilot once Again gets on the speaker phone.. Remember we are mid flight in the middle of the ocean. Then he says the worse thing you can hear in the middle of the ocean. "Looks like our plane is not good after all. we are having some issues with one of the doors and the landing gear. I dont feel safe taking the flight all the way to Jamaica. So we are turning around."

Half way to Jamaica the flight turns around and looks like my all inclusive Vacation in Sandals is gonna be delayed infinitely. All inclusive food and top shelve liquor waiting for us in Jamaica and now thanks to American Airlines We are stock in a "broken" plane.

Once back In Miami the plane drives around till they get the plane "Checked out". Pilot once again gets on the speaker and says looks like this plane is not good to fly. This is After we were halfway to Jamaica and in the middle of the ocean. Well great. we just get a different plane and we be there in no time right?

WRONG!!. We had to wait about 20 minutes waiting for a gate to open up... Ohh to put more insult to the injury the flight attendant says "We don't serve Food in the next flight so we suggest you get some food while you wait" Thanks asshole for the tip. I could of been eating file Mignon in Jamaica in a 5 star diamond restaurant but now i have to eat a 5 dollar hot dog.

Now they had to search for another plane and hopefully get us there in a reasonable time.. Hours later they find one. they put us in the plane, but they forget the luggage so we sit in the plane for another 25 minutes.. tired and totally pissed off at the delay they announce you get a free cocktail because the hours of delay.. Thanks asshole.. we will land in the dark and after dinner time.. I already paid for a full day for sandals and i will not be able to enjoy any of the stuff i paid for. Hundreds of dollars down the drain and you gonna give me a 2 dollar cocktail? thanks but no thanks. asshole

How about you abide to flight regulations and check your planes for malfunctions like you suppose to.. instead of finding out that the plane is broken half way trough an international flight. Delay my flight hours and hours and waste my hard earned money and delay my already paid for vacation!! Grab your 2 Dollar Cocktail American Airlines and Shove it up your ASS!!

This is my second time flying with American Airlines.. last time they lost my wife's luggage in Saint Lucia. This time you risk my life and put me in a broken Plane.. and you think the nightmare ends there? nope.. On our flight back home out of Miami.. on our last flight home.. We refused to check any bags because you lost our luggage once... So we only take Carry ons from now on.. So what do you do? You put an asshole who after 3 flights.. decides that my wife's luggage is now all of the sudden oversized. it wasn't oversized 3 flights ago.. but is now? how convenient.. he made her put it in the measure for carry on.. Which it fitted with no problems.. but he argues you had to force it in.. so u have to check it in.. Great

SO what happens. when we land? the luggage is delayed and extra 40 minutes..for some unknown reason.. so now our ride has to circle around over and over and over for 30 minutes.. thank you American Airlines for the horrible Experience

Looking back at least i didnt get a Federal Warning for asking for some OJ like this poor man did. This guy asked for some orange juice and the flight attendant flipped out on him.. she went as far as giving him a federal warning. Which could get him arrested. Luckily he had many witnesses to argue his side once the plane landed

here is my twitt updates of my horrible experience with American Airlines

  1. RightWingTurds Wow looks like i wasn't the only one who had a horrible experience with American Airlines i didnt get a federal warning 19 minutes ago from TweetDeck
  2. Rightwinglogo_normal RightWingTurds American airlines made me check in a bag because it's oversized it was oversized 3 flights in a row weird #Americanairlinessuck about 18 hours ago from TweetDeck
  3. Rightwinglogo_normal RightWingTurds Back in the USA but it looks like American airlines still sucks balls #AmericanAirlinesSuck about 18 hours ago from TweetDeck
  4. Current_dasani_normal Dasani_01 @RightWingTurds That is terrible. I hope they get you moving and heading to your destination sooner then later! 4 days ago from TweetDeck
  5. Rightwinglogo_normal RightWingTurds #Americanairlinessuck I guess been on board of a new plane doesn't mean we leaving soon. Waiting for the bags to get loaded 3 hour delay 4 days ago from TweetDeck
  6. Rightwinglogo_normal RightWingTurds I don't know what's worse that the plane was broken or that they flew a broken plane and we had to fly back midflight #Americanairlinessuck 4 days ago from TweetDeck
  7. Rightwinglogo_normal RightWingTurds RT @mklprc: . @RightWingTurds American Airlines is like American cheese. And for the same reason. / they stink? #Americanairlinessuck 4 days ago from TweetDeck
  8. Rightwinglogo_normal RightWingTurds Almost 2 hours later we are on the runway again. Let's hope this plane doesn't break too #Americanairlinessuckballs 4 days ago from TweetDeck
  9. Twitterprofilephoto_normal mklprc . @RightWingTurds American Airlines is like American cheese. And for the same reason. 4 days ago from Tweetie
  10. Rightwinglogo_normal RightWingTurds American Airlines says on the way out of the plane "plane doesn't serve food so we recomend u buy food while u wait" thanks 4 thetip asshole 4 days ago from TweetDeck
  11. Rightwinglogo_normal RightWingTurds Wow it's 2:57 we suppose to arrive in Jamaica at 2;45 and we are now in a different gate damn u #American airlines #Americanairlinessuck 4 days ago from TweetDeck
  12. Twitterprofilephoto_normal suzi527 @RightWingTurds SCARY!! Glad you are ok! Where ya going? Somewhere fun I hope? 4 days ago from web
  13. Rightwinglogo_normal RightWingTurds @suzi527 apparently I did fly in a broken plane the pilot turned the plane around midflight and flew back to Miami 4 days ago from Twitterrific
  14. Twitterprofilephoto_normal suzi527 @RightWingTurds Sorry for travel woes. I LOVE jetBlue! American, not so much. Bright side,least you didn't fly in a broken plane. Good Luck! 4 days ago from web
  15. Rightwinglogo_normal RightWingTurds Plane is not good to fly we have to get in a different plane. Fucking American Airlines that's why i only fly jet blue 4 days ago from TweetDeck
  16. Rightwinglogo_normal RightWingTurds #American airlines we are missing cocktails and food from sandals that we paid for are u gonna reimburse me while I sit in the runway? 4 days ago from TweetDeck
  17. Rightwinglogo_normal RightWingTurds #American airlines did I mention the plane's power went completly off on the runway and the pilot said it was because it's an ol plane 4 days ago from TweetDeck
  18. Rightwinglogo_normal RightWingTurds Just landed back in Miami say they gonna diagnose the plane to see if it is safe to fly again. It's 2:03 let's see howlong this shi ttakes 4 days ago from TweetDeck
  19. Rightwinglogo_normal RightWingTurds American Airlines 2 MontegoBay is turning around midflight technical difficulties pilot "doesn't feel comfortable taking plane 2 Jamaica 4 days ago from TweetDeck
  20. I_got_this_normal mfpdx @RightWingTurds Jealous :)! Have a great time! 4 days ago from web
  21. Rightwinglogo_normal RightWingTurds Later tweeps Im off to Jamaica see ya later 4 days ago from TweetDeck