Friday, October 30, 2009

NEW WE WON so now FUCK OFF sticker

i wanted to express how i feel about teabaggers, glenn beck, fox news and every other asshole who wants this administration and the country to FAIL.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

You have been Given the Turd Award

Some People go beyond being an Ass.. a Teabagger or a racist asshole.. for those we have created the Golden Turd Award.. Please add his Twitter name to the Comment Section and see if anyone else has nominated this Turd Before

Monday, October 19, 2009

Sunday, October 18, 2009

funny Glenn Beck Cartoon

this is so damm funny!!!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Nathan Deal GOP Asshole says "ghetto grandmothers" who don't have birth certificates to get healthcare

At a Saturday 10/3/09 breakfast of the Cherokee County GOP, U.S. Rep. Nathan Deal makes a reference to "ghetto grandmothers" who don't have birth certificates. FUCKING GOP ASSHOLE!!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Rep. Weiner Takes On Betsy McCaughey: You Would ‘Take Away 100% Of Medicare For People 65 To 70′

I watched the interview on The daily show and he couldn't deal with this crazy lunatic.. because she keeps calling people sexist.. she uses her being a female against journalist as a weapon. She gets her lies out in tv and when u don't let her she recourse to name calling.

Thank god this guy put her in her place.. we need journalist with more balls like this guy.. I'm sick of MSNBC and CNN letting them use their shows as propaganda outlets... if they want to lie and spill their ignorance.. they need to go to FOX and stay in FOX

I would love to see her being interviewed in Rachel Maddow.. but then again she prob will still use the female card too


Paul Broun Tells A Man With Major Depressive Disorder To Go To The Emergency Room

Monday, October 5, 2009

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Glenn Beck Tweets a very racist tweet but deletes it. Does anywebsite has back ups?

Screen shot taken Thursday, September 10, 2009 5:23 PM

I Followed Glenn Beck for a little while till i got sick of his tweets. However, in the time i followed him he started this whole Acorn Nonsense. So when i saw this tweet i thought this guy claims he is not racist? this is so full of racism is ridiculos..

i took a screenshot and forgot about it.. then today i saw it and decided to look at his tweets and see if he deleted it.. yupp.. that tweet is definitely gone.. so i'm posting for you guys to see in case you missed it

here is the deal.. is there anyway to back trace his tweets... i'm sure there are plety of tweets like this from him.. can anyone help me out and unearth the truth about this racist SOB